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Spesifikasi singkat mengenai Asus Zenfone Max Plus M1

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Berikut ini kita akan memaparkan beberapa spesifikasi singkat mengenai Asus Zenfone terbaru yaitu Asus Zenfone Max Plus M1

Tipe Zenfone Max Plus m1 ZB570TL

Layar 5.7 Super Bright IPS HD (1440x720)
Octa Core Processor
Android 7.0 Nougat
Asus ZenUI 4.0 with new skin & features
4GB Memory
64GB + up to 256GB MicroSD
Kamera Utama 16 MP Pixelmaster lensa 5 elemen + 8 MP 120 Wide Angle
Kamera Depan 16 MP 85 Wide Angle & Spotlight
Triple Slot 2 Sim Card + 1 Micro SD
4GB LTE + 4130 mAh Li-Polymer (non removeable)

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Tipe Zenfone 4 Max Pro ZC554KL

Layar 5.5 Super Bright IPS HD (1280x720) 178 Wide View Angle
Qualcomm Snapdragon Octa Core Processor
Android 7.0 Nougat
Asus ZenUI 4.0 with new skin & features
3GB Memory
32GB + up to 256GB MicroSD
Kamera Utama 16 MP Pixelmaster lensa 5 elemen + 5 MP 120 Wide Angle
Kamera Depan 16 MP 140 Wide Angle & Spotlight
Triple Slot 2 Sim Card + 1 Micro SD
4GB LTE + 5000 mAh Li-Polymer (non removeable)

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Sumber : Elemensatu (Online Shop & Partners)
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